Enclosing of students data

Dear Students,


   I am enclosing the students data once again after correcting second time. Students to check their data thoroughly once again and revert only when they have errors. 
History of Backlogs:  It means once a students fails in any subject, and clears it after supplementary exams it will be treated as having History of backlogs. In case any student who have cleared the backlogs after applying for re-evaluation(without supplementary attempt) then History of backlogs can be removed. History of backlogs is asked only in one or odd companies during the drive. It will  be corrected during that time. However any student having History of backlogs and sheet shown as NO, revert for correction. 

The correction if observed to be given to vitscampus@gmail.com by 16th June'2016. I will be freezing the data after 16th June'2016.

Faculty Coordinators Only: There are many columns empty against few students especially later entry. Kindly, see that they send their data. 

Thanking you

With Warm Regards
H K Ravi Rao
Head Corporate Relations
Vignan Group-Hyd
Cell: 9000999072

check once again


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