English Written test Pass key

Dear students,

Passkey for English Written test is given in trailing mail for 16-9-2016 test.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Giridhar Mohan <giridhar.mohan@cocubes.com>
Date: Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 11:01 PM
Subject: Career Test Program|| 2017 Batch|| Written English Test|| Passkey
To: Agareddy B <ccotp.vignanhyd@gmail.com>, vignan Hyderabad <training.vignanhyd@gmail.com>

Dear Sir,

Below mentioned is the passkeys for the Career Test Program for 2017 Batch.

Test Name
Start Date
End Date
Written English Test
25 Minutes
16th September
25th September

Please note, students cannot avail these assessments after the end-date, kindly ensure all the students take these assessments before 25th September.

How to appear for the test?

• Enter your Username & Password
• Enter passkey

Please run the link http://assess.cocubes.com/check-system on the system you plan to use to appear for the test. This will help you validate the computer systems in advance. Kindly ensure that all the technical requirements are being met and are marked with a green check.

Giridhar Mohan
Senior Associate- Institutions
